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SDB - a Simple Database System
by David Betz
114 Davenport Avenue
Manchester, NH 03103
(603) 625-4691 (home)
(603) 623-1711 (BBS)
January 17, 1986
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 2
SDB is a simple database manager for small systems. It was developed
to provide a relatively low overhead system for storing data on
machines with limited disk and memory resources. The current version
runs on the Atari ST.
SDB was originally intended to be a relational database system, so
many of the terms used in describing it are taken from the relational
database literature. Within the context of SDB the user can safely
make the following associations:
1. RELATION can be taken to mean FILE
2. TUPLE can be taken to mean RECORD
3. ATTRIBUTE can be taken to mean FIELD
It should be noted that SDB is not a relationally complete system. It
provides the relational operations of SELECT, PROJECT, and JOIN, but
does not provide the set operations of UNION, INTERSECTION, or
DIFFERENCE as well as some others.
SDB maintains a separate file for each relation that the user creates.
This file contains a header block containing the definition of the
relation including the names and types of all of the relation's
attributes. The remainder of the file contains fixed length records
each containing one tuple from the relation.
Tuples can be of three types:
1. active - tuples that contain actual active data
2. deleted - tuples that have been deleted
3. unused - tuples that haven't been used yet
Initially, all tuples are unused. When a new tuple is stored into a
relation, the first unused tuple is found (they are all contiguous at
the end of the relation file). The new tuple is stored as an active
When a tuple is deleted, it is marked as such. The space previously
allocated to the deleted tuple is left unused until the relation is
It is possible that when attempting to store a new tuple, no unused
tuple can be found even though the relation contains fewer than the
maximum active tuples. This happens when tuples have been deleted
since the time the relation file was last compressed.
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 3
The compress function allows all of the space lost by deleting tuples
to be regained. It does this by copying all of the active tuples as
far backward in the file as possible leaving all of the available
space toward the end of the file.
A selection expression specifies a set of tuples over which some SDB
operation is to be executed. The syntax for a selection expression
<rse> ::= <rnames> [ where <boolean> ]
<rnames> ::= <rname> [ , <rname> ] ...
<rname> ::= <relation-name> [ <alias> ]
When a single relation name is specified in a selection expression,
each tuple within that relation becomes a candidate for selection.
When more than one relation name is specified, the tuples are formed
by taking the cross product of all specified relations. If a relation
is to be crossed with itself, an alias must be given to one or both of
the occurances of that relation name in the selection expression.
This allows SDB to determine which relation occurance is being refered
to in the boolean part of the selection expression.
After the set of candidate tuples is determined, the boolean
expression is evaluated for each candidate. The candidates for which
the boolean expression evaluates to TRUE become the selected tuples.
When SDB is first run, it attempts to read and process commands from a
file named "SDB.INI". This file usually contains macro definitions,
but can contain any valid SDB command. In addition, it is possible to
process command files from within SDB. This is done by typing an '@'
followed by the command file name after the SDB prompt.
Whenever a file name is allowed in the syntax for a command, it is
possible to use either an identifier or a quoted string. An
identifier is interpreted as the file name and a string is interpreted
as a full file specification. The string form allows for the
specification of an alternate device or extension.
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A form definition file contains a template into which attribute values
are substituted during a print operation. There are two types of
information that can be included in a form definition:
1. Literal text
2. Attribute references
Attribute references are indicated by placing the name of the
attribute being referenced between a pair of angle brackets. Literal
text is anything that is not enclosed in angle brackets.
________ Example:
print using test amount,category from checks;
Where test.frm contains:
Amount: <amount>
Category: <category>
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 5
When a relation or attribute name is specified in a print statement,
it is possible to provide an alternate name for that relation or
attribute. This is useful for relations, when it is necessary to join
a relation to itself. It is useful for attributes when it is desired
that the column headers in a table be different from the actual
attribute names. Also, alternate attribute names can be used in
references to that attribute in the where clause as well as in a form
definition file. The syntax for specifying aliases is:
<name> <alias>
________ Example:
print using test amount a,category c from checks;
Where test.frm contains:
Amount: <a>
Category: <c>
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 6
The syntax for boolean expressions:
<expr> ::= <land> [ '|' <land> ]
<land> ::= <relat> [ '&' <relat> ]
<relat> ::= <primary> [ <relop> <primary> ]
<primary> ::= <term> [ <addop> <term> ]
<term> ::= <unary> [ <mulop> <unary> ]
<unary> ::= <factor> | <unop> <unary>
<factor> ::= <operand> | '(' <expr> ')'
<operand> ::= <number> | <string> | <attribute>
<attribute> ::= [ <rname> . ] <aname>
<relop> ::= '=' | '<>' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>='
<addop> ::= '+' | '-'
<mulop> ::= '*' | '/'
<unop> ::= '+' | '-' | '~'
1. '=' - equal
2. '<>' - not equal
3. '<' - less than
4. '>' - greater than
5. '<=' - less than or equal
6. '>=' - greater than or equal
7. '+' - addition or unary plus (not implemented)
8. '-' - subraction or unary minus (not implemented)
9. '*' - multiplication (not implemented)
10. '/' - division (not implemented)
11. '&' - logical and
12. '|' - logical or
13. '~' - logical not
1. number - a string of digits containing at most one decimal
2. string - a string of characters enclosed in double quotes
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 7
3. attribute - an attribute name optionally qualified by a
relation name
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_________ Function:
Create a relation file
_______ Format:
create <rname> ( <alist> ) <isize> <esize>
______ Rules:
1. <rname> is the name of the relation file
2. <alist> is a list of attribute definitions of the form:
<aname> { char | num } <size>
1. <aname> is the name of the attribute
2. the type of the attribute is either "char" or "num"
3. <size> is the number of bytes allocated to the attribute
3. <isize> is the initial size of the relation in tuples
4. <esize> is the number of tuples to expand by
________ Example:
create checks (
number num 4
date char 8
payee char 20
amount num 8
category char 5
) 200 100
This command creates a relation file named "checks.sdb" with
attributes "number", "date", "payee", "amount", and "category" and
space to store 200 tuples. When the relation is full (200 tuples have
been stored) it is extended by 100 tuples on the next store operation.
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 9
_________ Function:
Insert tuples into a relation
_______ Format:
insert <rname>
______ Rules:
1. <rname> is the name of a relation
2. the user will be prompted for the values of the attributes
for the tuple to be inserted
3. a null response to an attribute prompt will terminate tuple
4. if a null value is desired, a single space can be entered
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 10
_________ Function:
Delete tuples from a set of relations
_______ Format:
delete <rse> ;
______ Rules:
1. <rse> is a tuple selection expression
2. selected tuples are deleted
________ Example:
delete checks where category = "junk";
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 11
_________ Function:
Update the values of selected attributes in selected tuples
_______ Format:
update { <attrs> | * } from <rse> ;
______ Rules:
1. <attrs> is a list of attribute names to be updated
2. * means all attributes
3. <rse> is a tuple selection expression
4. for each set of selected tuples, the user is prompted for new
values for the selected attributes
5. a null response to an attribute prompt will retain the
previous attribute value
6. if a null value is desired, a single space can be entered
________ Example:
update amount,category from checks where number > 10;
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 12
_________ Function:
Print a table of values of selected attributes
_______ Format:
print [ using <fname> ] { <attrs> | * } from <rse> [ into <fname> ] ;
______ Rules:
1. using <fname> indicates output using a form definition file
2. <attrs> is a list of attribute names to be printed
3. * means all attributes
4. <rse> is a tuple selection expression
5. <fname> is the name of an file to which the table will be
output (.TXT)
6. if the output file name is omitted, output is to the terminal
7. for each set of selected tuples, a table entry is printed
containing the selected attributes
________ Example:
print payee,amount from checks where category = "junk";
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 13
_________ Function:
Import tuples from a file into a relation
_______ Format:
import <fname> into <rname>
______ Rules:
1. <fname> is the name of the input file (.DAT)
2. the input file contains the values of the tuple attributes
with each on a separate line
3. <rname> is the name of a relation
4. tuples are appended to the named relation
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_________ Function:
Export tuples from a relation into a file
_______ Format:
export <rname> [ into <fname> ] ;
______ Rules:
1. <rname> is the name of a relation
2. <fname> is the name of the output file (.DAT)
3. if the output file name is omitted, output is to the terminal
4. tuples are written to the output file with one attribute
value per line
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 15
_________ Function:
Extract the definition of a relation into a file
_______ Format:
extract <rname> [ into <fname> ] ;
______ Rules:
1. <rname> is the name of a relation
2. <fname> is the name of the output file (.DEF)
3. if the output file name is omitted, output is to the terminal
4. the definition of the relation is written to the output file
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 16
_________ Function:
Compress a relation file
_______ Format:
compress <rname>
______ Rules:
1. <rname> is the name of a relation file
2. tuples are copied toward the front of the relation file such
that any space freed by previously deleted tuples becomes
adjacent to the free space at the end of the file, thus
becoming available for use in inserting new tuples
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_________ Function:
Sort a relation file
_______ Format:
sort <rname> by <sname> { , <sname } ... ;
______ Rules:
1. <rname> is the name of a relation file
2. <sname> is the name of an attribute to sort on followed
optionally by "ascending" or "descending"
3. if a sort order is not specified, ascending is assumed
4. tuples within the relation are sorted in place using the
attributes indicated
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 18
_________ Function:
Define a macro
_______ Format:
define <mname>
______ Rules:
1. <mname> is the name of the macro being defined
2. if a macro with the specified name already exists, it is
3. after entering the define command, definition mode is entered
4. definition mode is indicated by the prompt "SDB-DEF>"
5. all lines typed in definition mode are added to the macro
6. a blank line terminates definition mode
7. a macro can be deleted by entering a blank line as the only
line in the definition
8. after a macro is defined, every occurance of the macro name
is replaced by the macro definition
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 19
_________ Function:
Show a macro definition
_______ Format:
show <mname>
______ Rules:
1. <mname> is the name of a macro whose definition is to be
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 20
_________ Function:
Print a short help message
_______ Format:
______ Rules:
1. (none)
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_________ Function:
Exit from SDB
_______ Format:
______ Rules:
1. (none)
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 22
SDB provides a callable program interface to allow programs written in
C to access relation files. In order to use the call interface, the
users program should be linked with the SDBUSR.OBJ object library.
Also, additional stack space should be allocated at link time using
the /BOTTOM qualifier on the link command. /BOTTOM:3000 seems to work
well, but it is probably possible to get away with less.
________ Example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sdb.h"
DB_SEL *sptr;
char payee[100],amount[100];
/* setup retrieval */
if ((sptr = db_retrieve("checks where amount > 25.00")) == NULL) {
printf("*** error: %s ***\n",db_ertxt(dbv_errcode));
/* bind user variables to attributes */
/* loop through selection */
while (db_fetch(sptr))
/* finish selection */
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 23
_________ Function:
Setup a tuple retrieval context
_______ Format:
dbptr = db_retrieve(sexpr [ ,arg ]...)
______ Rules:
1. sexpr is a pointer to a string containing an rse
2. arg is a "printf" argument
3. dbptr is a database context pointer
4. db_retrieve returns NULL on errors
5. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 24
_________ Function:
Fetch the next set of tuples from a retrieval context
_______ Format:
______ Rules:
1. dbptr is a database context pointer
2. updates the values of all bound user variables
3. db_fetch returns FALSE if no more tuples match or if an error
4. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 25
_________ Function:
Update the current tuple within a retrieval context
_______ Format:
______ Rules:
1. dbptr is a database context pointer
2. db_update returns FALSE if an error occurs
3. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 26
_________ Function:
Store a new tuple within a retrieval context
_______ Format:
______ Rules:
1. dbptr is a database context pointer
2. db_store returns FALSE if an error occurs
3. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 27
_________ Function:
Bind a user variable to the value of a tuple attribute within a
retrieval context
_______ Format:
______ Rules:
1. dbptr is a database context pointer
2. rname is a pointer to the relation name
3. aname is a pointer to the attribute name
4. value is a pointer to a character array to receive the
attribute value
5. db_bind returns FALSE if an error occurs
6. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 28
_________ Function:
Get the value of a tuple attribute within a retrieval context
_______ Format:
______ Rules:
1. dbptr is a database context pointer
2. rname is a pointer to the relation name
3. aname is a pointer to the attribute name
4. value is a pointer to a character array to receive the
attribute value
5. db_get returns FALSE if an error occurs
6. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 29
_________ Function:
Put the value of a tuple attribute within a retrieval context
_______ Format:
______ Rules:
1. dbptr is a database context pointer
2. rname is a pointer to the relation name
3. aname is a pointer to the attribute name
4. value is a pointer to the new value
5. db_put returns FALSE if an error occurs
6. on errors, the error code is in dbv_errcode
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 30
_________ Function:
Discontinue usage of a retrieval context
_______ Format:
______ Rules:
1. dbptr is a database context pointer
SDB - a Simple Database System Page 31
_________ Function:
Translate an error code to an error message text
_______ Format:
______ Rules:
1. errcode is an SDB error code
2. db_ertxt returns a pointer to the error message text